Red Shoe Society
Want to get more involved with the Ronald McDonald House?

Raising awareness & support for children & their families.
Red Shoe Society members have the opportunity to volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House, coordinate and participate in fundraising events, and host socials to network and spread the word about our mission.
The Red Shoe Society hosts quarterly meetings as well as several great networking events. Members are welcome to join various committees headed by chairs on the Red Shoe Society Executive Committee. Becoming involved is a great way to meet other young professionals interested in community service and make a difference in the lives of the children and families served at the Ronald McDonald House Charities of North Central Florida.

Mission & Membership
The Red Shoe Society’s mission is to raise awareness and support for the Ronald McDonald House of North Central Florida in their efforts to create, find and support programs that directly enhance the health and well-being of children and families.
Membership is open to all young professionals ages 21 or older. Members are expected to pay the annual membership fee of $25 per person or $40 per couple. To remain active, members must attend a House Tour within the first three months of membership and volunteer at a minimum of four service or fundraising events per year. The Red Shoe Affair is our Annual Fall Fundraiser so attendance at this event is mandatory. In addition, we host quarterly all-member meetings where members will have the opportunity to join various committees to gain experience to serve on the Red Shoe Society Executive Committee.
Get involved